To continue this topic,
但是為了給新近歌手一個機會 (ha...)
(雖然本來就是...... hehehehe....)
all time 100必定得從個人喜好出發而絕對不會是該團/該人的代表作
往往大時代不同, 對流行音樂欣賞的美感就差很多 ......
這年兩個天才殞落, Janis, Jimi, ....1971年的Jim Morrison passed away...
這年天團Led Zeppelin宣佈解散(12月4日)
因為鼓手John Bonham在九月的酗酒死亡, 讓他們無法再找到任何一個替代者...
The Day the Music Died~ John Lennon 又遇刺
那時還是黑人的Michael Jackson推出了史上最暢銷專輯 Thriller
(賣出1億4000萬張, 掛在Billboard Top 10榜上整整一年)
1980年代也出現了Madonna, Tina Turna, Phil Collins, Bryan Adams 這些差異性很大的歌手
那幾年我記得在書房的每晚都沉迷於西洋音樂電台, 每週日晚更熬夜聽某個已經停掉的節目,
幾乎荒廢了學業, ...... 真是往事不堪回首.
所以, 該從何時畫下我不熟悉的排行休止符呢?
1985年之後Sting就單飛了, 他是絕對不能排除在我100大之外的......
2000年看來似乎很適合, 也是世紀的分界線,
那麼, 就從列出我的荒島歌曲清單開始吧...... 想到什麼就列什麼
暫時沒有定版的打算... 所以應該隨時都會增減什麼
這all time 100的完成日, 我會在標題打上一個finished, 以示滿意.
就像Jazz & Rock & Blues are all great,
Stairway to Heaven, Led Zeppelin
當然是排在第一名啦 !
這是普世法則. 相信沒有人反對吧?
ps. 剛剛打賭成功贏走某人的第一名
* 圖為Zeppelin的演唱英姿
-Becky's 100 board:
. Angie - Rolling Stones (I don't really fancy Rolling Stones but this one is adorable....)
. Always Somewhere - Scorpions (Always love it.)
. Annie's Song - John Denver (John has many masterpieces, like "Leaving on a JetPlane", "Take M Home Country Road", sorry I can't pick them all.... his voice is flawless and calm, like an angel! Sadly, John Denver died in a plane crash in 1997 October... what a coincidence....)
. American Pie - Don McLean (best poet ever)
. Baby - Styx (Geeee.... wordless)
. Ben - Michael Jackson (He used to have such a beautiful voice)
. Blowin' in The Wind - Joan Baez (The answer is blowin' in the wind~)
. Boat On The River - Styx (sigh, it's the classic)
. Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (Ozy rocks! They play on my tomb stone!)
. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen (National song no. 2, Freddy sister, thank you for coming this earth! )
. Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel
. Born To Be Wild - Steppenwolf (Must have on my car!!!)
. Come as You Are - Nirvana (one of my favorite band)
. Cry Baby - Janis Joplin 1970
. Dancing Queen - ABBA (I admit my range is wide...)
. Desert Rose - Sting (Can hear it all day!)
Do You Know Where You're Going To? - Diana Rose
Dream On - Aerosmith
( one of my favorite... dream of '70!).
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
(Old fashion country rock song).
Endless Love - Liono Richie & Diana Rose
(best love song duet) . Emothion - Bee Gees (Destiny Child, ... many versions). Everytime You Go Away - Paul Young (That surely brings lots of my memories...)
. Gone Too Soon - Michael Jackson (to Memory Diana)
. Heaven - Bryan Adams (Go Adams!)
. Hey Joe - Jimi Hendrix (no. one Guitarist!)
. Honesty - Billy Joel (Best song of Billy!)
. Hotel California - Eagles (American rock national song!!)
. If I Ever Lose My Faith in You - Sting
. If You Leave Me Now - Chicago (1976) (puppet love song forever!)
. Highway Star - Deep Purple (Purple is my color!)
. I Just Called to Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder (warm my heart deeply!)
. How Could An Angel Break My Heart - Toni Braxton (Used to be my favorite one)
. Just The Way You Are - Billy Joel (It tells everthing I want to say to you!)
. Knocking on Heaven's Door - Bob Dylan (no one can give him any comment!)
. Lady in Red - Chris DeBorgh (Lady in red, is dancing with me...)
. Lake of Fire - Nirvana (Kut is one of the best musician ever! a controversial song anyway...)
. Love of My Life - Queen (The British vote for "Don't Stop Me Now", but I prefer this one.... Freedy's voice and Brian May's guitar, it's heart broken!)
. Missing You - John Waite (I ain't missing you...)
. Mother - John Lennon (I got connection to this good one)
. Money for Nothing - Dire Straits (trust me, u'll love it.)
. Notorious - Duran Duran (1987) (Come on, apart from their pretty face, actually John Taylor is a great bass player )
. November Rain - Guns n' Roses (This is my theme!)
. One - Johnny Cash (we got, one love, one life... a touching song)
. One Sweet Day - Mariah Carey Feat. Boyz II Men (Voice from heaven)
. Piece of My Heart - Janis Joplin (1968) (Taking a piece of my heart!)
. Rape Me - Nirvana (I don't know you, but it's my favorite of Nirvana)
. Run to You - Whitney Houston
. Sailing - Rod Stewart (Who can't sing it those days?)
. Stand by Me - John Lennon (Definitely Stand by Lennon!)
. Still Loving You - Scorpions (Now it's my goose-bump song!)
. Sunshine - John Denver (Sunshine... a song that warm my heart every time)
Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
(The Wall!!).
Smoke On The Water - Deep Purple
(Ritchie Blackmore rules... they r all super.... my my my....).
Song Bird - Eva Cassidy
(Genius... No one has ever sing as she did.)
Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Judy Garland
(Judy forver!)
Speak Softly, Love - Andy William (theme for "The Godfather", classic+classic)
Summer Time - Janis Joplin
(no one surpass Janis!).
Superwoman - Karyn White
(a voice that should be memorised). Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton ( by that, Eric just can stay in heaven...)
. The Best of Time - Styx (branding song, what makes a band good to great... it's it!)
. The End - The Doors (Can't forget Jim!)
. The Long And Winding Road - Paul McCartney (the best of Paul)
. The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel (Why they can write such a beautiful song?)
. The Way We Were - Barbara Streisand (must count she in)
. Tragedy - Bee Gees (I love this one particularly)
. Unbreak My Heart - Toni Braxton
. We Are The Champions & We Will Rock You- Queen (God... bloody buring great... I miss you Freddy... why genius have to die young?)
. Wild Thing - The Troggs (Just love this song!)
. With or Without You - U2 (1987) (can't list without U2!)
. Yesterday - Beatles (OK here it is.)